How Leaders Can Foster Innovation in Times of Crisis

client, Employer advice

In times of uncertainty, the importance of strong leadership increases. Team leaders set the tone for how an organisation responds to change, as well as keeping the team morale up. Businesses need to be guided with a steady and reassuring hand, and at the same time be able to pivot and respond with agility when the situation demands it. Grit, persistence and collectiveness are some of the key traits of an innovative culture, and they are needed in spades right now to help companies face some significant obstacles.

As businesses around the world face difficulties and uncertainty, here are a few ways leaders throughout the organisation can step up and help to foster a culture of innovation when it’s needed most.

Learnability is essential

Learning quickly is more important than ever in times of change. As well as a high IQ and EQ, successful leaders also need to have a high Learnability Quotient, or LQ, that you can find out more about on the ManpowerGroup website here. Today’s problems are so complex and multi-faceted that leaders cannot be expected to hold all the answers, but they should be able to learn and adapt as fluid situations unfold.

Leaders need to be a role model for learnability to those who work for them. They can do this by seeking out different experiences, unusual perspectives and by being open to fresh ideas, as they foster a culture of learning in their organisation.

Experimentation and communication

When in uncharted territory, leaders should understand the technical skills required to effectively transform their business, such as what would be required to shift to remote working. They should surround themselves with experts and take time to stay informed of the latest trends, challenges and opportunities facing their organisation and how to communicate those needs quickly throughout the workforce.

Ability to adapt for the next crisis

Upheaval and transformation do not create a once and done situation. Change is dynamic, so agility and continuous adaptation are essential. Feedback is crucial to informing what steps leaders should take. Today’s challenges are just the beginning. Leaders need to focus on continuous innovation, experimentation and learning and should support their teams to do the same. By developing a culture built on adaptability and innovation, teams will ensure they are well positioned for future roadblocks.

Further reading on the ManpowerGroup website:
